Hello, everyone! I'm Stella, a melodious poet who sings of love and peace.
It feels like it's been a long time since I greeted you. I hope you've all been doing well.
I have been devoting myself to composing songs these days.
It won't be today, but I hope I'll be able to share some good music with all of you soon.
Um… why does it seem like everyone is relieved to hear that...?
Ah, you're all disappointed, right? Right?!
I will work even harder to meet your expectations!
I hope you can be patient for just a bit longer.
You're asking why I'm here if I'm not going to play any songs?
That's a very good question! While searching for new inspiration, I heard of a band
that brings happiness to everyone with their exciting rhythms and beautiful melodies.
So I went out to meet them and here I am now!
Are you curious as to who they are?
I knew you would be, so I took meticulous notes of my meeting with them.
Well then, shall we see how my encounter with the band “Harmony” went?
Off we go!
These individuals gathered under the belief that even if people are all different from each other, they could become one through music.
The “Idol”, who is cheered on and loved by many.
The “Icon”, who is a trailblazer of the latest trends.
These are all names that the Muse has been called by.
Centered around her, the band “Harmony” released a new album titled
It is known that in this album, the Muse has not only composed the music but also wrote lyrics for the song, thus attracting even more attention.
It can be said they are the first musicians who succeeded in touching the hearts of the masses to have appeared since the Stella, the bard who sings of love and peace, became known.
The band Harmony is comprised of the keyboard player Mua, bassist Eilah, drummer Barra, and the Muse, who plays the Lyra Bow to create unique music that has never been heard before in Arad.
Along with Rane, their bodyguard who helps them create perfect performances wherever they go by taking care of their safety, the five of them make up this team.
Upon listening to their album <Episode of Harmony>, I was reminded of a mathematician who once said “Music is my religion.”
The music created by Harmony weaves together intricate structures like a well-crafted machine and produces magical moments that unite both the performers and the listeners through its melodies. (It's as if you're listening to one of Stella's songs...)
The new band, Harmony, came in hot and fast like a comet!
Who are they, and what are their goals? Let's find out!
<A sketch of the interview with Harmony>
Did you enjoy the interview with Harmony?
Truthfully, I was a bit envious upon seeing diverse people being able to come together and create fantastic music. But then again, there's unique music that only I can create! I'll keep working hard and giving it my all! Both Harmony and I, Stella, would love your continuous support. Until next time, then! Goodbye!
PS. Click on the Like button below to get Harmony's photo cards!